Parenting Tips for Managing Cerebral Palsy

Parenting is a big challenge in itself and if you have a child with special needs then the journey becomes even more difficult. We do understand the fact that dealing with your own feelings, stress & other issues along with catering to child with special needs especially Cerebral Palsy is not at all easy. However, the fact cannot be ignored that your child is looking for acceptance and the emotional support from you first. It is the home from where it all begins, It’s important for any with special needs to have the input and support like the parental and familial relationship, the emotional wellbeing and friendships in the same way other children do.
Here are few tips that will help you to overcome your day to day difficulties:
Acceptance of your Child’s Condition: Accepting the situation that your child is not like others will help you and your child as well. The sooner you accept would be better for both. It will help you to come to terms with life and moving on with your child’s life, your family life and your life too.
Cerebral palsy cannot be fixed, but the other associative problems can be. You definitely have to plan up for therapies for your child but Don’t go around chasing after every surgery or therapy or experimental treatment in the hope that it will make your child “normal.”
You might unintentionally end up in making your child realize that he/she is not good enough.
So it’s important to give up the grief and see possibilities. Concentrate on your child’s abilities, don’t give up on your child’s dream & future just because his/her physical condition.
Make your home and vehicle accessible: Make accessibility a priority when you have to buy or rent a new place or vehicle. Even in the existing place do make arrangements if you can. It will help your child to learn and manage things on their own over a course of time.
Engage directly with Your Child: It is important to engage directly with your child-talk to them directly about things; Having personal conversations & contact with children with disabilities makes them feel accepted and encourage them to speak up their feelings & emotions.
Be Organized: soon after diagnosis of CP, the daily routine of yours’ will be shuffled.  Having well planned schedules for therapies, doctor’s appointments and routine chores would be helpful. It will not only reduce your stress but will also keep everything else in your life in order.
Take Care of Yourself: Looking after a child with Cerebral Palsy takes time and energy so it is important to take care of yourself along with your child. Include proper nutrition, sleep and exercise as part of your daily routine.
Ask for help: It should be accepted that dealing with a child with Cerebral Palsy means you may need help from time to time. Seek assistance from other family members or friends or you may also hire a caregiver if required.
Talk to people: The entire process & the tight stressful daily routine might often get converted into frustration or emotional set back. Talk to counselor or a friend who would listen to you, so that you could speak up. Talking helps will make you feel better.
Manage Finances: Catering a child with special needs especially CP can cause immense financial strain on families. Hence having a proper insurance plan to cover all medical expenses, well planned sessions of therapies, applications for Governmental assistance & various Schemes may prove helpful.
Let Your Child Socialize: Socializing will help your child meet people, be happy and will help him relate things. Teach them what they have in common to other children and that they have equal potential as other kids. Encourage family bonding by active involvement from everyone.
Prepare Your Child to be independent:Children with special needs can have a dignified life with proper education, job and family. Educate your child, help them in developing their intellectual abilities, assist them in securing a job and encourage them to lead a normal life. 
By |2020-05-21T06:05:14+05:30February 7th, 2017|Uncategorized|

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