Contribute to community

Contribute to community2023-11-29T13:16:07+05:30

  • There are over 70 Million children in India with developmental disabilities and over 850,000 in Mumbai alone. The most common developmental disorder is Cerebral Palsy caused by damage to the brain that occurs before, during, or shortly following birth affecting body movement and muscle coordination. Children with cerebral palsy may not be able to walk, talk, eat, or play. Although cerebral palsy is lifelong condition with no cure, therapies such as Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies at early age of 1 to 7 years can help improve function.
  • Vestibulator® helps therapist to automate the stimulation of all receptors of vestibular system helping early intervention and treatment.
  • Through “Contribute to Community” solution, Transpact® brings a fresh approach of partnering with Corporate for adopting a school and Foundations for sponsoring a needy child to create cost effective and sustainable solution.